Aug 31, 2021
As you start to see the result of your hard work and an increase to your income, do you ever feel like you don't deserve what you have? Or that you're not good enough, and you've somehow bluffed your way to where you are?
Imposter syndrome is something we all deal with at some time in our professional lives,...
Aug 31, 2021
It’s very easy to think that you and your colleagues will be friends - after all you spend so much time together - but that’s not always the case. Don’t let someone else’s bad attitude or poor treatment of you or dismissal of your accomplishments undermine your achievements.
In today’s episode we’re...
Aug 31, 2021
Welcome back to The Speaking Up Podcast. What if I told you that you already have exactly what it takes to create a strong, authoritative personal brand? You already know who you are. The key is to let everyone else know, too. And you can do this by creating a stand-out personal brand that shows you in your best...
Aug 11, 2021
Welcome to the Speaking Up Podcast. I'm Elizabeth Koraca, a professional career coach and former Reuters television anchor, who has interviewed some of the most successful leaders in the world. I've traveled the globe and learned countless strategies, which you can put into practice today so you can speak...